Maybe it’s because it’s one of my favorite words, or because it makes me happy to see hearts sprinkled all around me, but even after Valentine’s Day has come and gone my thoughts are still set on love. I want to be intentional about spreading love to all the people in my life, but I often forget one person in particular… myself!

As a wife and mother I find that I keep forgetting to include myself on the list of people to show love to. More importantly, when I do remember I often feel selfish for doing so. Why is that? I know there’s nothing selfish about taking care of myself, and that if I don’t show myself the same love and grace I show those around me I won’t be able to keep my spirit full, but I still struggle with it. I wonder if you’ve felt like this before, too? The crazy part is, that it doesn’t take much to refill my spirit… a bubble bath, going for a 20 minute walk alone, or even just painting my nails. When I show myself that I’m worth caring for I feel like a new woman, and I find that I have more love to share than before.

This month, the one that’s all about sharing love, I’m going to start being more intentional about showing myself the same love that I show others. Will you join me? Let’s remind each other how important it is to take care of ourselves so we can take care of each other.
What kind of things do you do to refill your spirit?
Meet Heather Hamilton, our Inspiration contributor. She’s the wife to one + the momma to three; two that live in her house + one that lives in God’s. You can find her sharing her journey to becoming the girl God created her to be over at her blog, Life Made Lovely, and sharing her love of handmade in her new shop, The Paperie. She’s the founder of the Joyful Life Library and the curator of The Joyful Shop, which uses 100% of it’s profits to support the library project. And every day, she chooses joy.
This really is so important!
The things that I do include painting my nails, hehe, making a cup of coffee for myself in the evening while I watch my favorite TV show, reading a book or a magazine, taking a long shower,… driving to the fabrics store! Just little things like that. :)
@Alice, Those are all such great things! Little things really DO matter!
@Alice, These are my favorite things, too!!! ♥
I couldn’t agree more how important “me time” is. I’m a big fan of bubble baths, reading, crocheting (I find myself lost in the activity, where with a bath my mind wanders and worries sometimes), and even just laying across the bed for 10 minutes can recharge me.
@Amanda, I know what you mean Amanda…active relaxing time seems to work better for me, too!
I am my best self when my basic needs are met, so it is in my family’s best interest that I make sure to take care of ME. I try to take a hot shower, have my quiet time, and sleep 8 hours everyday. I know that if those basic things happen, the chance of me getting cranky are not that high. My favorite ways to really recharge are to spend time with my girlfriends, window shop alone, or grab a coffee date with my husband.
@NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner, I love that you said you are your best self. That’s so important!! How can we teach our littles to be their best selves if we aren’t taking the time to be OUR best selves?!
@heather, … I’m taking notes as our first little will be here *soon* — ♥
Our ladies bible study has been looking at intentionally taking the time to love ourselves in the last two weeks! God has great timing. I love stealing a few minutes in a day for a cup of tea and a good book but it does become difficult with the needs of a family (2 typical kids, 1 special needs child and 1 due in two weeks).
@Lisa, He certainly does!! And you are absolutely right…it’s hard to find the time, but I think it’s so important to so you can take good care of all those that depend on YOU. xoxo
Oh, this is so important! I just adore Heather – great advice!
@Kate @ Songs Kate Sang, I adore you more. xoxo
Young moms are so often stuck in the trenches of toddlerhood that they forget about themselves. I was one of them. As I was rising above the trenches and my kids were getting older I have allowed myself to get hair cuts & hair color on a regular basis. I get my eyebrows manicured or I would have a unibrow within 2 weeks. During the summer I will get a pedicure once or twice.
When the kids were little I would wake up early & get in a quick walk & I would breathe in the fresh air deeply. Do you know how good that is? It’s very calming to a Mom who may be stressed or rattled. After a long day, I would take a walk & breathe deeply again, thankful that the day was nearing to an end.
@Katy (lil’ alice), You are so right Katy!! And I love the idea of taking a quick walk before the day begins. I think I need to try that myself.
Pedicure. I don’t get to go very often, but it’s a luxury I really appreciate when I do. And once in a blue moon I go to a movie by myself.
@Heather, What a treat! So important to do. :)
i don’t know i guess i don’t really do many things for myself. i do some craft things but i don’t really think about it. i mainly think about other people instead.
@aimymichelle, crafting is a great thing to fill up your spirit! ;)
I try to make time for myself. It can be easy to forget about yourself once in a while. For me, it can be making myself some coffee (or tea), painting my nails, a trip to the store by myself (though my daughter loves going), sometimes I just need to be alone for a little bit and wander aimlessly. Even if I am able to get 10 minutes of reading my current book. I especially love it when I get my hair cut because there is also a small coffee shop just next doors (wife owns the salon and the husband owns the coffee shop). I also have had my husband take care of our daughter in the mornings and letting me sleep in for a little bit.
@Risa, so many sweet ways to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Going to get a hair cut is one of my faves, too. :)