Hellooooooo, November! In celebration of the new month and loving to give away fun, inspiring + handmade gifts, I’m here with a giant giveaway featuring a HUMUNGO amount in total prizes — and ONE person will win everything! Yeowwwwwww! Read on for the full details of how to enter {it’s so easy}. And here’s a virtual lovely embroidered hankie to catch the drool you’re about to drop, tee hehe!
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The holidays are right around the corner. And that means it’s time to start planning the perfect gifts for all your special someones. To help make the holiday season a bit less stressful, and a whole lot more fun–a group of blogging pals have gotten together to give our readers the opportunity to win a gigantic, jumbo, enormous giveaway with something for everyone on your list.

The Jumbo Giveaway Winner will Receive:
A $200 gift card to Barn Owl Primitives
A $100 gift basket full of craft supplies from Pick Your Plum
So exciting! Am I right?!
Want to know how to enter?
You just have to “like” all 16 Facebook pages shown below.
And then answer the question below to enter “officially”:
*This giveaway is in no way affiliated, administered or endorsed by Facebook. Winner will be notified by email on 11/10/2012 and will need to respond within 48 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen. Winner must be 18 years of age or older and a US citizen in order to win. Winners are responsible for paying any necessary taxes on winnings. Alternate entry email: ashley@littlemissmomma.com with entry information. All prizes will be mailed by the sponsor and all participating blog owners are not held responsible if the prize is not fulfilled. A list of winners may be requested after the giveaway has ended. Questions and additional information can be requested by emailing: ashley@littlemissmomma.com.
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YEOW — good luck to you + happy entering!
xoxo, Gussy
Thanks for the chance at this AMAZING giveaway! Hope you and bebe are doing great *hugs*
This sounds like an amazing giveway….but I won’t be able to enter because I don’t do Facebook. :( I keep running into this problem all over the place! Any other way to enter for those of us not on Facebook? (or am I the only one?)
@Krista J., So sorry about that! Sometimes there are little clauses like that, like those 10-day cruise giveaways that used to be so popular 10 years ago. If you could purchase airfare to meet the cruise ship you could redeem won your trip aboard the ship. Hope you understand! xoxo
@Krista J., my aunt started a page just for entering giveways, she keeps it completely private and has it just attached to her email with no photo- makes it so you aren’t so left out ;p
@Heather @ JustLove.ly, SMART!!!!
@Krista J., I assume that the “alternate entry” is for how to enter without Facebook/Rafflecopter but maybe not? “Alternate entry email: ashley@littlemissmomma.com with entry information.”
Love this giveaway…truly something for everyone! Thanks for the chance to win!
Visiting from SITS. Now following you!
This is fantastic, Maggie! Thank you. I liked and pinned:)
wow! very fun :).
Yikes, why all the prizes to one winner? That is awesome, but will be a huge chunk of taxes to pay since you have to count things won as income – I know I personally couldn’t use all of the prizes so I wish we could only enter for certain things! Just feedback :)
@Stephanie, Send your feedback to Ashley, she’s the coordinator :) — ashley@littlemissmomma.com
@Gussy Sews, OK, I will thanks!!
I’m not seeing the 16 people to like on facebook. It’s not coming up?
We’re realizing the glitch and trying to fix it soon…
wow this is amazing. yes i liked all of these pages…actually most of them were already liked haha
Ok. I have done everything now! Thank you SO much for putting the links to all those pages! I was having trouble finding some or them on my own yesterday! :-) equest2005@woh.rr.com
Yes! I liked all the Facebook pages! What a fun contest!
Done! All FB pages Liked! There were only about 4 that I needed to do! =) Hope all is well your way w/the baby! So exciting!
What a prize package! Thank you! I came to finish up your 31 days series and found this added bonus! :) Such great info here. Thanks for sharing so freely your practical tips. I found your series to be very helpful and inspiring.
Wow! Wonderful Giveaway! I want to win so bad!
Done! I liked all Facebook pages! Keeping my fingers crossed!
So excited for this giveaway!!
I liked them all! Great giveaway!
Apple Barn Gift Card…
[…] meet the cruise ship you could redeem won your trip aboard the ship. Hope you u […]…
Done, done, aaaaand done.
Even if I don’t win, I am SO buying like a hundred things from Barn Owl. So pretty!
Liked all the pages! What an AH-MAZING giveaway!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win such an amazing giveaway! :)
@Leah, Oh, and I ‘liked’ all the pages :)
I liked all the pages! What an awesome giveaway!!!!!
I liked all of the pages. Wow what a giveaway!
cute stuff