Warning: lots of Gussy photos…
I wished for a productive weekend and ohhhhhh, boy. It happened! So what if I stayed up until 3 am and then 2 am Friday and Saturday nights?? :) I took your suggestions and made a netbook laptop bag. There’s only one available for now, but more are definitely to come. I also made some wider laptop bags.
And, if that’s not exciting enough, I have a ton of fabric cut out for even more netbook + wide-screen laptop bags. Check back next weekend for those!
And… some new product! Checkbook covers. Or pocketbooks for cash, coupons or love notes. How ever you want to use them :)
I loooove how these turned out. Since these don’t require special fabric {unlike my laptop bags — they are all made from heavy weight fabrics}, I was able to use some GREAT prints I already had stocked. I made the ruffle really wide. Do you love it? That’s probably my favorite part of the design.

Leave a comment sharing your favorite color ruffle
{any ole color will do!}
to enter to win a checkbook cover of your choice.
My mom is “da bomb.com” {Mom, that means your cool} when it comes to knitting baby blankets. Look what she’s made, and they’re all available in the shop:
How was your weekend? Were you as productive {or lazy} as you wanted to be? :)
I LOVE yellow ruffles [of course :]
And the new products are super cute!
. . . my weekend was a perfect combination of productivity and leisure.
I love turquoise ruffles! Love the new checkbook covers!!
i love the orangish pumpernickel ruffles. yum!
LOVE the lemon and oranges with pink ruffle!!!!
I usually go for the bright bold colors, but that soft yellow is sooo springy. Like a baby chick.
It's so nice to know that someone was productive this weekend … I tried like crazy to sneak off to my sewing studio but never managed to!
LOVE the new products!
Great new products! Tough choice but I think I'd go with the hot pink ruffles. I'm feeling kinda bright and cheery today :)
My weekend was great!
I adore the YELLOW ruffles!! Love your new products!!
I love the red ruffles!
I love the orange ruffle.
My weekend was productive. Got several things done, but still have more to do before this weekend.
Super cute stuff Gussy!
I am a lover of all colors!, but…if I have to pick only one today it shall be— that greenish/yellow one I see on one of your new checkbook covers. SUCH a cute idea! :)
pink, definitely pink.
What pretty things! Love them all! I really love pink ruffles! And that pink baby blanket! How sweet! Thanks for sharing all your new creations! Happy Monday!
I am loving the white/off white ruffles. My weekend was not too productive…waiting for some warm weather to get more done on the weekend. All your creations look lovely, as always!
Love the new products, keep up the good work!
Love the new goodies!!
SO cute! I really like the yellow with the black and white, but for me, as long as it's a ruffle, I'll take it! ;)
My weekend was supposed to be filled with cleaning/organizing…but intead I took my little sister out. We went to JoAnn's for some fabric, had lunch at Panera's…and then together we sewed a hanging laundry bag that turned out cute! So it was good, even though I didn't clean. :)
I love the pink ones!! i'm such a girly girl at heart!!
And I love the new laptop bags!!
my weekend I spent going to a MUSE concert, with my boyfriend. It was awesome!
I'm loving your red ruffles!!!!! :)
(Or the orange…or turquoise. Haha!)
I loooove the bright pink ruffles!I love these, say buh bye to that ugly blue checkbook cover that comes with my checks when I order them!
Yellow, my new favorite color!
My weekend was lazy, just the way I like them.
Everything looks great Maggie!!
RED is my favorite!
I <3 red ruffles. It just makes everything pop! Lovin' the new products, especially the checkbook covers!
i LOVE pink ruffles…I am a pink girls!
really cute!
red, red, red! Especially over black and white! thanks!!!
I actually super love the cream!
Love the new products and love the red ruffles!!!
Love red ruffles! :)
Love the limy yellow and the red ruffles. And definitely love the checkbook covers.
turquoise! or green, or pink… haha
they are so cute! I'll own one someday soon!
my weekend we a good combo of productive and lazy. :)
For sure the orange:)
I'm liking the yellow–I think I'm hoping for spring…
Red or Pink!!! I can't decide which one I want….
Love LOVE love the mustard yellow! Favorite color with orchid! Very Cute. Feeling jealous that your weekend was soooo productive! I did make it to church though.
Turquoise ruffles are my favorite! :)
Hi Maggie! I love brown, red and yellow ruffles. Can you imagine a mint green pattern with brown ruffles or a light blue pattern with brown ruffles. Your designs are so phenomenal, though. I will be asking for a purse for Mother's Day!
Your work is always adorable!
But that orange and pink just scream SPRING to me! And I am anxiously awaiting Springs arrival!
I cannot choose between the yellow and pink! All of them are so cute!
i love kona cotton "curry"! :)
I LURVE the YELLOW and the PINK.. I just can't decide between the two!!! They are both gorgeous!!
Im in love with all things PINK! So, the pink ruffles are fabulous!
I'm having a love affair with orange these days. ::swoon::
I love the red ruffles!
The new checkbook covers are so pretty! I love the pink ruffles!
I love bright spring colours ! Bright yellow or pink ! I am so excited for spring to come :)
Blue ruffles!!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I am loving the checkbook covers. My color pick would be the red ruffle :)
Those new products are lovely! Thanks for the other suggestions besides checks for the checkbook covers. :)
Ooo a surprise giveaway! I'm still determined to win a Gussy giveaway. So here I go…I love the PINK ruffles!
My weekend was okay, not very exciting! And not productive like yours! But that's okay, I didn't need to be.
Oh so cute!!
I'm loving all ruffles right now! That yellow ruffle is pretty cute!!
They are beautiful! I like the greenish/yellow one. And orange.
I love the yellow! Very cute!
I love the lemon and green ruffles. These are so cute!
Pink, pink, pink! Although the yellow comes in a close second. Super cute new products!!! :) Definitely a lazy weekend, yet full of family activity!
My favorite ruffle is the pink – yum!
I was pretty productive, but not as much as I needed to be :)
I'm liking the mustard-y colored ruffles you've been whipping out!
I love the hot pink color ruffle!
The new products are super cute, thanks for restocking!
My favorite is the eggplant ruffle. I have a Gussy pouch with it and I love it!
I love the orange ruffles! Love all your things!
Oh my gosh! I love pink … any hue or shade or intensity. And I think those checkbook covers would make a delightful place for me to stash the sweet notes my daughter leaves for me most mornings before she leaves for school. :)
I ordered a checkbook cover this weekend!! My favorite color ruffle is aqua!
aqua! aqua! :) I'm just loving those! I need to get a laptop just so I have a reason for one of those amazing laptop bags! :D
loving the lemon ruffles!!
They are all super cute! I have been looking for a checkbook cover for a long time…looks like I found the perfect one! I would love something pink and girlie!
love the hello roses
susanerios at hotmail.com
Dear Gussy,
I just discovered your shop and blog. I think all the ruffles are great. I love purple ruffles. and HOT pink!
My weekend was great because I got a new bed! And taught myself how to knit.
ooh I love turquoise and red. just found you last week from the incourage site, and I'm so excited! Your products are absolutely beautiful, and I think I want a mom-sized blanket in every color! :-)
I had a productive weekend: holed myself up in my boys bedroom and painted the walls…spring around the corner brings out the best in me!!
I love purple ruffles. And the checkbook covers are adorable!
grrrrrrrreen. geez your productivity is daunting!
Congrats on the LA Times Dish! These new checkbook covers are so cute! I like the pink and yellow ruffle.
michelle @ blissful musings
I absolutely LOVE the lemon print cover (I think that what it's called in your shop?)!! It's adorable!
Orange for me!!
I love the pink ruffles :) Your items are so cute!!
I love the pink ruffles :) Your items are so cute!!
Love lime green or hot pink ruffles!
Love your blog too, I am taking in allll the beautiful colors!
I'd love a lime green ruffle!!
I worked Saturday & Sunday this weekend. I wasn't too productive but I got my butt in gear & cleaned for about 2 hours today…lookin' good!
littleesmama at gmail
I love the yellow!
i used to hate pink…as in HATE! funny enough, it now happens to be my go-to color in almost anything. so pink…definitely pink!
Hot Pink is definitely my fav color! Great new stuff!
Ummm…decisions….I love green ruffles!
I love the lime green colored ruffles!
Love the pink ruffles…and the checkbook covers are very chic!
I love blue ruffles! The checkbook covers are fabulous! :)
I love the pink ruffles!
I love the orange ruffles…cute stuff!
I love anything green!! :) I also love the new lap top bags…
Yellow ruffles!! (actually all of them but if you twist my arm to choose…then yellow) :) <3
Oh, red! Definitely red!
love the red ruffle!
aronsen40 at aol.com
the red ruffles are awesome!
very good idea
Tiffany blue would make an adorable ruffle even better!
My favorite ruffle would have to be yellow. I love love love yellow and it is so spring. Ooooo…I can't wait for spring. I can feel it in the air it is just around the corner!
Brown… love the covers!!
These are too cute! Cerulean is my fave color ruffle! :D
I love that light limey green. Reminds me if keylime goodness! Love the new chechbook covers although I don't carry my checkbook around so I'd probably use it for love notes since it's always good to keep those nearby <3