Yesterday was an adventure. To say the least. I met my mom in Lansing {where Zack and I used to live} and we were going to spend the day together laughing, talking {of course!}, shopping and having lunch. While we did all those things, we also spent a lot of time in her car {and Jo-Ann’s} waiting for Geico and a local tow truck company to meet us in the parking lot. You see, my car acted as if it was dying. And I was really sad :( I tried telling my car KNOCK IT OFF, and I keep FRESH air freshener in here, what more do you want? But nothing worked. The CV joints needed to be replaced, and we knew this like a month ago, but we decided that since we didn’t have the cash we hoped my Saturn VUE would be patient with us and wait until we could afford the $350 repair. Ugh. My VUE could only wait so long. And it was quite obvious something else has gone wrong… And that day was yesterday. I was “stuck” in Lansing, my mom lives an hour away, our home is 1.5 hours away… What to do, what to do…