I always love when I find a reader or blogger online that I can really relate + connect with. {Hello! All of my Minnesota friends were found through this blog, which is so awesome.}
Yesterday I had coffee with a budding entrepreneur and as we talked I told her that I wouldn’t be sitting with her if it weren’t for community and the generosity of others. True story; read about that here.
Community is one of my favorite parts of my blog // this job. I’m making one of my goals for 2011 be to connect with more people daily and weekly.
Will you help me? >> If you have a minute, can you please answer these 4 questions about yourself? And if you remember, come back tomorrow and read through the comments left. Maybe you’ll find a reader that you’ll be able to connect with, too :]
Here are the questions:
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
2. what is your blog or shop about?
3. share something fun about yourself.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
I’ll go first and answer them :]
1. Gussy — www.gussysews.com and www.shopgussy.com
2. sewing ruffles; blog/biz how-to posts; craft/handmade features & giveaways; our pup, Bauer
3. when zack was visiting {and getting ready to propose} he had to find new hiding places all evening for my ring because he knew i was snooping around, wishing&hoping for the proposal to come true ;]
4. i looooooove to sit outside with sunglasses on and just relax!
Lisa Leonard recently shared tips on creating/establishing community, as did Allora Handmade. Hope you read them! ;]

PS. LOOK at this — that’s sewing machine #2! Zack’s grandma gave me my first machine for Christmas two years ago and this time we were in Michigan I bought the above machine from her. I can’t wait to re-arrange my studio {on my list for today!} and get both machines set up. yeow :]
Pretty please with a ruffle on top, remember to answer the 4 questions ♥

Hi! I’m Rebekah from North Carolina and our family blog is yestoadoption.blogspot.com. It is mainly about adoption as we are in the Ethiopian adoption process! I do love to craft/sew and part of the ways we are making money for the adoption is selling crafty things! I just got my sewing machine last Christmas and it has been the best year ever!!
1. junevintage.squarespace.com & junevintage.etsy.com
2. What I write about: Make {quilting/knitting/sewing}, Do {photography, parenting, dreams} and Mend {thrifting, upcycle}
3. We are moving to a 3rd world country this coming year: no fabric or thrift stores and I can’t wait to find out: how will my blog evolve? How will I evolve?
4. I love: Sunshine, non-fiction, old things with a story, film photography, my husband in uniform and reading to my son…
1. http://www.funnydayswithmommyandmaddie.com
2. my adventures as a stay at home mom to one ridiculously energetic 4 year old. Lots of crafts for kids and mom and recipes too!
3. Despite saying FOREVER (I am hearing all about it now!) that we would be a one kid family we are happy to say we will be having another little kiddo in the house come July!
4. I love: cheesy chic-lit books, bubble baths, chocolate anything, cold winter days!
Congrats! I always think July babies are the best, but I may be a bit biased, since I’m one myself. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? Sarah M and I blog at ssmast.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? Daily living, kids, crafts, and I love to do movie + book reviews!
3. share something fun about yourself. I finally have a sewing/craft room, and I bought a serger yesterday! YAY!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? root.beer.floats. (the end!)
I LOVE rootbeer floats too! That was my dessert of choice for the longest!
oooh I’m jealous! :) Still designing my craft room, and a serger is on my list to buy sometime this year! ENJOY!!!
I love root beer floats! In college, a boy I was dating brought me all the makings for a root beer float while I was at work, and made me one…I thought it was absolutely the sweetest thing ever.
1. My name is Holly Young, and my blog is
http://www.yourstrulyh.blogspot.com my etsy site is fairly new…ok
REALLY new but you can find it at
http://www.etsy.com/shop/posiesandpeachtrees 2. My blog is about
drinking too much coffee, and loving Jesus/dogs/my husband! My shop
is where I get a little crafty esp. on my breaks from
teaching…can’t wait to add more “crafts” to my to-do-list! 3. My
husband and I want to make 2011 our year of travel/long weekends!
New Orleans, D.C., Florida and San Diego are all on the list! 4. I
am currently loving all the holiday coffee creamers that are out
right now! Peppermint, gingerbread, pumpkins spice, and the like!
1) http://www.paulandjenn.webs.com
2) It’s about married life…mostly. (I don’t have a shop…I just love crafty people :))
3) Fun Fact? As of December 2010, we are 100% debt free! :)
4) My FAVORITE thing is mornings. When it’s barely light outside and I can sit and have coffee and breakfast in my robe with my husband. :)
wow, Jenn…out of debt!!! you are my hero!! gonna follow your blog for continued inspiration!!!
Aw, thanks, Sally! Honestly, we have been given lots of great opportunities and are so grateful to the people in our life that afforded them to us. I just clicked over and saw all your great Christmas pictures! Adding to my reading list… :)
Congratulations on being debt free! Did you do the Dave Ramsey program? We are slowly but surely working our way towards that too!
That is such a big deal — congrats on being debt free!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? Cristy, http://www.itsaslowlearningcurve.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? my family… it is an attempt to document a little bit of every day life for my 3 girls
3. share something fun about yourself. I am in the process of changing careers to become a teacher.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? I love magazines, graphic design, photography, playing with my girls, and fun dates with my husband.
1. Suzanne – Photoblog:
http://www.farmerwife.blogspot.com Regular blog:
http://www.athomewiththefarmerswife.blogspot.com Shop:
http://www.farmerswifeathome.etsy.com 2. The photoblog is a photographic
record of the rural area where I live. “At Home with the Farmer’s
Wife” is eclectic stuff about living in a rural community. 3. At
one point in my life I had a top secret clearance with the U.S.
government 4. Fabric, vintage sewing machines and I’m a science
geek who watches NASA TV!
My kinda gal! Off for a mooch round your blog :D
1. Kathryn, Penguin’s Gift – http://penguinsgift.blogspot.com/
2. Penguin’s Gift is about sharing fun and affordable gift ideas
3. A given is my constant love for finding and sharing unique gifts. Another ‘something’ about me is my collection of notecards. I believe you can never have enough notecards!
4. My favorite, favorite thing is sea salt caramels. Mmmm!
Very cool idea for a blog! I’m always looking for gift ideas! I’m a new follower! :)
1. Stefanie- http://artsymomma.blogspot.com
2. Motherhood, being creative with my kids, thrifting, losing and gaining my crafty mojo, and recently more and more about my love of painting and mixed media.
3. Whenever I spell the word aggressive I sing an old cheer in my head from the high school cheer-leading days.
4. My trivet collection that hangs on my kitchen wall
1. my url = http://cassandrabeverly.blogspot.com
2. it’s about me, trying to figure out what i will make of this life – i started it after my parents divorced and i broke up with my boyfriend. now i write about my loving boyfriend, my dog, and how life is post-divorce.
3. something fun about myself is that i know my boyfriend is going to propose in the next couple of weeks – we are terrible about keeping secrets. plus he went on a major spending freeze the past few months to pay for the ring-so when we stopped going out on dates and he took the bus everywhere i knew something was up. i’m practicing patience and not snooping because i know the ring is in his closet of his {studio} apartment!
4. something that is my favorite – i will say people! i love listening and talking to people!
4.5. I also love puppies – bauer is so cute! my dog SAM thinks so to ;)
~Heather, here! http://www.ACupofTeaWithHeatherLee.blogspot.com
~My blog is somewhat of a diary I have kept since coming back home in 2008. It has kept a lot of my friends I have made around the world more connected with what’s going on in my life.
~I’m a newlywed (Last July!) and am loving every second of it! We’re still in college so neither of us have married friends yet…a lot of people think we’re crazy for getting married so young (22 and 23 isn’t THAT young, right?) but we don’t care. ;)
~Sipping a delicious cup of coffee in the morning is my favorite part of the day. If I miss this time in the AM I feel like my day started on the wrong foot!
That isn’t too young! My hubby and I got married at 20 and it’s been 12 years later and we’re still in love and love being married! We heard the same thing when we got married but it doesn’t matter. When you know, you know!!! Congrats!!!!
1. I have three {yikes!} http://www.studio2three.com; nickkara.blogspot.com; studio2three.etsy.com
2. The first is my photography business; the second is my personal blog that covers food, life with my husband and photography; the third is my etsy shop that holds my handmade flower accessories
3. Something fun about myself…hmm…I am your stereotypical artsy person–left handed vegetarian who cannot sit still–have to be creating some new idea all the time.
4. My something that is my “favorite” is my husband–he is the best! He is my encourager and best friend.
Love your photography work. The sisters gallery is beautiful! :)
Hi, all! 1. Steph, and I have two blogs:
http://howtohostess.wordpress.com/ and http://3pmu.wordpress.com/
2. The How to Hostess is about…hostessing! I love parties and all
the planning, cooking, and crafting that comes with them. 3PMU is
short for 3 PM Pick Me Up, I post something fun at 3 PM every
weekday to break up afternoon monotony. 3. Instead of New Year’s
resolutions, I make a list of 12 things I have never done and then
check one off every month. This past year included singing karaoke
(very badly), baking a pie from scratch (tasty, but not pretty),
and going to a country western bar (fun!). 4. Sunday mornings, our
local rock station plays all 80’s rock songs. They call it
Resurrection Sunday and I love it!
Ooooh! I LOVE you hostessing blog! I added you to my reader! :)
Thanks, Jenn!!
Very neat blog idea! I’m a new subscriber! I’d love some fresh ideas in the area of hostessing! :) and I also love your New Year’s resolution list! Maybe I’ll do that this year instead!
I’m adding you to my reader too! I love parties and theme ideas, etc! Thanks for posting :)
Hey. I’m Melissa from NC:) my blog {http://thepleatedpolkadot.blogspot.com} is about life. Parenting. Crafting. Faith. Loving others and teaching my children to do the same. My shop {http://thepleatedpolkadot.bigcartel.com} has lots of handmade goodies like clutches and headbands and rings:))
Hmmm…something fun…i spent a summer in austrailia doing sports missions and gained 15 pounds because the food was so so good!
And something I love…curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee!!
1. EricaSays.com
2. Technology, Blogging, WordPress Manipulation, Music and Photography. (Geek stuff.)
3. I adore music. Piano, Guitar, Singing, Sign Language…
4. My 3yr old’s ‘jokes.’ He’s hysterical!
Just clicked over to your blog and LOVE how helpful it is already, I’ve been trying to make the transition to WordPress forever (Webs.com is ruining my life). Maybe I’ll finally do it now! Also, congratulations to you and your husband!! :) :)
Hello, my name is Meg, my blog URL is
http://www.mytwistedtree.blogspot.com & shop is
http://www.muggs77.etsy.com My blog is mainly an online journal to
write about me, my family and my intrests…my shop is full of hand
knit bows and vintage findings, mainly brooches! I am a stay at
home mom to 3 beautiful children and married to an amazing man…I
have a weird sense of humor that can sometimes get me in trouble, I
love my life and cherish every minute of it! My “favorite”…my
family, they can make me crazy and keep in sain all at the same
time, they are what lifes all about! Thanks Maggie for doing this,
sometimes it’s nice to remind yourself of the answers to these
questions! xoxo~Meg
I’m Kate, and I blog about food, recipes and cooking but with personal stories and memoirs slipped in. I’ll throw in a few pinches of family for flavor, add a dash of life to keep it interesting and occasionally an ingredient or two that surprises. I like to keep people entertained. And fed.
Something fun about myself is that I’m ambidextrous for everything except writing. I’m working on that one though.
Favorites? Telling a story and sharing a food memory that reaches right into a readers soul and touches them profoundly.
1. Life Between the Trees; http://jennygann.blogspot.com
2. My life! Crafts, God, work, decor, projects…
3. I love to travel! I have a long list of places I’d like to see in my lifetime. Next on my list is Ireland!
4. Traveling, Diet Mt. Dew, chocolate, my Westie Dexter, my hubby, being with friends, laughing, being creative, organizing…
Hi Gussy!
1. Just Me and My Thoughts http://itwasbroughtonbylove.blogspot.com
Southern Gal is what I go by on my blog. (For hubby.)
2. Family/Home Life/ Homeschooling/being a grandmother (How did that happen!)
3. I’m about to embark on a business venture (you can relate) to sew and sell children’s clothing with a friend who already has an embroidery business. She would rather someone else do the sewing. So here I am! (I won one of your Gussy bags in a giveaway at Nester’s place.)
4. I love my family, the beach, Diet Mt. Dew, puzzles (crossword, sudoku, jigsaw), photography and a good book.
1. Anna Joy at http://www.fortheloveofjoy.etsy.com
2. My shop is full of quilted goods such as pillows as well as accessories like coffee sleeves and camera straps. I want to make things that bring Joy into the life of others.
3. I eat a lot…like a lot a lot.
4. being a “boy” mom, watching funny movies, finding new friends to sew with, my fiancee, being creative, and laughing until I want to throw up. :)
Here are the questions: 1. It’s Vann ::
http://www.itsvann.blogspot.com and http://www.itsvann.etsy.com 2. My shop is
full of fun handmade accessories; My blog is about my daily
food/weightloss/etsy biz/ wedding planning/ life :) 3. Something
fun is… I just picked up my wedding dress a week ago! 4. Current
favs include crafting + cooking @ home + smart wool socks and cozy
puppies. :)
1. april – http://www.marineparents-blog.com
2. i started to blog almost 2 years ago when i found out i was pregnant with out daughter, Amelia. since then it’s grown SO!MUCH! and i love the community that you talk about. i’ve made great friends through blogging :) i talk about EVERYTHING on the blog…. crafts i’m trying {doing a challenge to get through the bend-the-rules sewing book as recommended by someone cool *wink*} and a few recipes here and there… but mostly our life as we know it in the marine corps!
3. i’m a very loud person, but definitely do not like loud things or noises…… it’s quite the conundrum!
4. my favorite ever?!?!?!? being a mommy! seriously, it’s so cliche… but my entire life has led up to this. i adore every day and my daughter is just so adorable in everything she does. totally my mini-me {not saying that i’m adorable….. well, i mean i am….. you know!}
1. Mandi – http://www.lifeinbeta.com
2. A personal blog about family, friends and life; working on a separate “niche” blog about technology and all things geeky, but that’s still in the works!
3. I’ve been doing web design/development and blogging since around 1998. I’m a giant techno-geek but people don’t usually guess that off the bat.
4. I love, love, LOVE knitting. If I’m sitting still (watching tv, waiting at the doctor’s office, whatever), you’ll always see me with needles and yarn in my hands!
My website is http://www.gathered-sown.com. My business is handcrafted bags & things. I love the creativity I’m able to express every day, while making money to help support my family. This is the first year where both of my daughters (babies as I see them!) are in school full time, so I’ve found that my business is following accordingly…I have more time to sew, I sell more stuff. Yay!
Something fun? I am a really bad cook. I mean really bad. And I have kids, so I hate to admit most of their meals come from a can, frozen bag or, on a really bad day…a box! I love to freezer cook with friends, to steal ideas, and tips, so if anyone blogs about that…..:)
What do I love? My girlfriends! The ladies God placed in my life as encouragement, support and accountablilty has been nothing short of amazing. I love my husband, but lets face it, he can never be my girlfriend ;)
1.jadiecakes- http://www.myjadiecakes.blogspot.com and
http://www.jadiecakes.etsy.com 2.blog-our adventures with our three
daughters, enjoying the simple moments, creating traditions, living
in the country raising chickens. Oh, and decorating with vintage
finds! shop- burlap flower pillows and home ornament door hangers (
i love working with burlap)! 3.I love to ride the waves in Maine
-on my daughter’s boogie boards (yes, it’s true the water is
freezing there)! 4.coffee, creating items for my girls, my 1890’s
house, and rearranging furniture!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?my blog is
http://kathleenmoreland.blogspot.com and my shop is
http://www.papertreasures1.etsy.com 2. what is your blog or shop about? my
blog is about my family, health, decorating and crafts oh i forgot
i do fashion as well…. love clothes!! my shop is full of fun tags
and paper embellishments, it’s a new shop but I am loving it!!! 3.
share something fun about yourself. hmmm…. tough one! i have 3
kids and I am a full time student so I can one day fulfill my dream
of becoming a 2nd grade teacher:) 4. what is something that’s a
“favorite”? i love football! i watch it all day on sundays, my
favorite team is the dallas cowboys, i also love to shop for
clothes and spending time with my family in DC, summers are my
favorite & we spend it all the time at the beach and with
our friends!!
kate – Love your shop! The Little Red Bird tags are too cute! My dream is to be a 2nd grade teacher, too. Just completed my teaching degree in Dec. 2009! Although, right now, I am having fun running an Etsy shop with my mother in law ~ Mimi’s Babies ~ http://www.mimisbabies.etsy.com.
Here are the questions:
1. Christine or http://www.ckscribbles.com
2. My blog is mostly about my everyday life! sometimes i get a little crafty on there and i definitely share a lot of pictures.
3.I am going to school to be a teacher and i crochet when i get a free minute
4. crocheting and sewing definitely. Also eating yummy food and hanging out with my boyfriend!
hi! my name is nikki.
1) my blog is: http://neilandnikki.wordpress.com .
2)it’s mostly about life with my husband and our 3 little boys and a little bit about the sewing i do in my “free” time. free time? what’s that? i just started a very VERY small sort-of-home-business. i make and sell mostly baby stuff. i’m proud of the stuff i make. it’s cute and practical. i got sick of buying ugly bibs and decided to do something about it. right now i’m just selling to friends and friends-of-friends mostly on facebook. look for me! gigi handmade baby on facebook!
3) i really love having three boys. i have a lot of fun catching frogs and making sand castles and building legos. sometimes i wish i had a girl just for the sewing.
4) fabric is one of my favorites. i love finding amazing new fabrics!
1. Megan – http://ilovelovenotes.blogspot.com
2. My blog is full of love notes to my life to help me appreciate the “now”. Or read the “full synopsis” here :) -http://ilovelovenotes.blogspot.com/p/about.html
3. Something fun about myself? I have sudden obsessive cravings for non-food items. Like riding roller coasters. Or hiking. Or going anywhere I’ve never been before.. RIGHT. NOW.
4. Current favorite- Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes a la Chick-fil-a. Holy spasms of joy. Oh…I’m rather fond of my new fancy grown-up camera, too. And my boyfriend. And once I learn how to use it, I’m sure my new sewing machine will also top the list. […once chick-fil-a’s peppermint season is over :) ]
Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes? Wow! I need to get to ChickfilA ASAP! What a fun blog!! Everybody loves a good love note. :)
1. Lisa :: http://goodknits.com/blog &
http://omgknits.etsy.com 2. My blog has knitting posts interspersed
with life stuff and PHOTOS. I love taking photos, so there’s a lot
of that, too. 3. I didn’t know what to write here, so I’ll share
what’s making me so HAPPY, today. The Pioneer Woman chose one of my
photos as a finalist in her latest photography assignment!
My flickr user name is yarnattacks. I was so shocked and surprised
when I saw my photo! 4. Some of my favorites are: wool, cupcakes,
my camera, and vintage pyrex.
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
http://www.islandgirlbags.com, http://www.islandgirlbags.etsy.com
and http://www.islandgirlbags.blogspot.com 2. what is your blog or
shop about? I sell handmade handbags and accessories…I blog about
my life, my loves and my biz. 3. share something fun about
yourself. I love being a mom to just boys. I’m a jock at heart and
love being their biggest fan! 4. what is something that’s a
“favorite”? I love the sunshine…someday I will be an Island Girl,
but hopefully not an Island in the north! ;) Perferably the
1. Holly — my blog is called Bijou Lovely
(http://www.bijoulovelydesigns.com). I do have an etsy shop but
it’s currently empty! http://www.etsy.com/shop/bijoulovely 2. My
blog is mostly about sewing, quilting, and home decor! Basically,
the things that I make and the things that inspire me. 3. My
husband and I just moved back to Michigan…we’re Yoopers! :) 4.
Spending time with family and friends, decorating my house, and
1. Laura and I blog from time to time at http://lauraslifeasawifeandmom.blogspot.com
2. It’s about our life (hubby, me, 3yo son), faith, and finding out what I enjoy! I talk about my son a lot and the struggles with autism but also the great progress that he is making thanks to those in the early intervention program.
3. I am a book worm! My husband gave me 3 books (a series) for Christmas and I’m on book three. :)
4. Hot cocoa with mint. Hearing my son talking. Attending a church that we love.
Hi, My name is Chrissy and I live in outside of Atlanta, GA. I have a personal blog which us under a makeover, currently http://cfarnan.blogspot.com/ soon to be http://Hootdesigns.blogspot.com. I also have a Photography blog http://hootphotography.blogspot.com/ My Etsy shop address is http://www.etsy.com/shop/Chrissy410.
My “new” Hoot Designs as my personal blog with the randomness that I want to share. Crafts, ideas, photos all kinds of fun. My Hoot Photography is a fun place for Photography finds and a place to share photo session pictures etc..
Something about me. Well my husband says when I can’t sleep at night that I’m having craftmares about the next craft on tap in my head! HA
Something that’s a “favorite”? I love fabric and paper and transforming those things into a new work of art.
That’s where I live! It’s so nice to know there are bloggers around these parts (you know, besides Bakerella). ;)
Ohh I Iove Bakerella. I went to see her at Williams Sonoma to have her sign her Cake pops book. I follow a lot of blogs and it seems as though everyone is in the mid west!!
oh my gosh! this is so cool! i love this! i have a few friends that i met over blog world and they are very dear to me.
1. my name is katy and my blog is http://www.scottyboyandkatygirl.blogspot.com
2. my blog is about my life, my family, my experiences as a mom, my son Miles, and most importantly, my Lord and how he is changing me and teaching me.
3. i love jeopardy! we have a competition every night and my husband just bought me the game for the wii. i’m 29 and an old lady already.
4. decorating my house! and being a mom and a wife. my husband and son put a sparkle in my eye.
I watch Jeopardy every night, too! It’s one of my favorite traditions. :]
I love Jeopardy, too. My daddy’s favorite show. He tries to guess the answer to the final question just by the category and he gets it right a great deal of the time. Ready to have him try out for the show! And can I say 29 is NOT old. Even, say, 47 isn’t old. Uhumm.
1. I’m Lauren Casper and I blog at http://www.poppielane.com – my shop is poppielane.bigcartel.com
2. I blog about crafts, homemaking, cooking, adoption, my husband :),
3. I leave in 2 weeks to go meet my son waiting in Ethiopia for the very first time!
4. Right now my favorite is snow all over everything… love it!! :)
1. koehmstedt and Sweet Faerie Designs
2. koehmstedt is my personal blog is about life in general (for me) I write about my teens, pets, handmade things, and books & movies. Sweet Faerie Designs is my blog design site – I design for Blogger – come check me out (wink, wink!)
3. I’m 40something, don’t wear makeup, am in a perpetual fight with my gray hairs and have 5 dogs.
4. I love sitting in a coffee shop, sipping coffee, nibbling on a scone and people watching and/or gossiping with my best girlfriends. <3
1. My name is Beth Anne, but I am more wildly known around the interwebs as “Blair” & the blogger of Heir to Blair.
2. Motherhood. Vaginas. Poop. Things I like & hate.
3. I can wiggle my ears.
4. There’s this chick named Gussy & she’s a favorite of mine. & chocolate chip cookies.
This is a fun game :)
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
Shannon / “Mama Pea” http://www.growingsweetpea.com
2. what is your blog or shop about?
Blog: cartoon illustrations inspired by motherhood, family & friends
Shop: custom cartoon portraits
3. share something fun about yourself.
I like to run – 5K’s, 10K’s, etc. I’ve run one marathon and hope to do more in the future.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
Lunch dates with “Pea Daddy” at Chik-fil-A :)
Hey! I’m Heidi from NC and my blog is http://www.restinginthemystery.blogspot.com. It’s blog about me, my kids, my husband, what God is teaching me, crafts, just whatever I’m in the mood for. Something fun…I’ve known my husband since I was 14, we dated off & on in high school, didn’t talk for 5 years, ran into each other and married 7 mths later :) I love creating things: sewing, knitting, trying to crochet, baking, etc.
1. My name is Sarah, my blog is http://lilcoop.blogspot.com and my shop is at http://lilcoop1.etsy.com
2. My blog is about everyday things and what’s new in my shop.
3. My dad is a musician, and I play violin (going to music school in the fall) I guess you could say it runs through my veins
4. I love finding new music and listening to music while I’m being crafty
1. I’m Amy and I blog at theniftyfoodie.com. I sort of have an Etsy shop, but I’m thinking about closing it.
2. I have two blogs…first one is about recipes I try in my home and the second is about life (like our dog, crafts, gardening, etc.)
3. I’m left-handed. :)
4. Ice Cream…I don’t discriminate. Love all things ice cream!
1) Lindsey – http://www.classicivory.com
2) my family, my CUTE daughter, babies, some fashion and some design, being green…
3) I am a yoga teacher…but I haven’t taught since having my daughter 7 months ago.
4) Driving in the hot weather with my windows down, the air conditioning on, my sunglasses on and the music turned up super loud. An iced coffee is just a bonus :)
Jenilee – http://the-goodwinfamily.blogspot.com
I blog about homeschooling, my girls, the fun and crazy events of our lives as a family and as pastors.
Something fun? I can not sew at ALL and I do love seeing the things you create! Weird thing – my HUSBAND can sew and has a machine. But, he only bought it to sew some clothes for Rangers (like boy scouts) and then a puppet curtain for church (we are children’s pastors). He is amazing like that. All of them were perfect. His first time sewing. Amazing.
I love reading, blogging, family and sitting with friends over coffee. So sad to have missed your panera get together! :(
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?….Christy although most people call me “Zipper” {it’s my maiden name :]} My blog is http://www.stoutsrus.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? …..My little blog is about life as a family of 4. We are looking to adopt soon, so it may emerge into some of those adventures?!?
3. share something fun about yourself…….I am 4′ 10 1/4″ which makes me 1/4″ too tall to be a legal midget :]
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?…..Jesus and music and singing and family and kids and friends…..tooooooooooo many favorites :]
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
2. what is your blog or shop about?
crafting, rosettes, being on a budget, reusing, my life. :)
3. share something fun about yourself.
I am 14, I LOVE blogging. The friends that I have made are probably the sweetest people ever! I am a shopaholic, mostly I LOVE thrifting! I could thrift all day, every day!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
eating at chick fil a, spending time with family, and crafting!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? Hi! My name is Amy and my blog is A Faithful Journey at http://bookandyarn.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? Faith, family, reading, knitting, crafts, pretty much whatever I feel like chatting about! :)
3. share something fun about yourself. I could spend hours in a bookstore looking at books and never get bored. My hubby things I am crazy! :)
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? BOOKS! and reading them. :)
Love your blog and shop! Such cute and creative ideas! Love the pup too!! :)
1. blog: Small Bird Studio & shop: The Flourish Shop
2. Flourishes, blog designs, my beautiful family in Heaven & Earth, giveaways and things & place I find inspiring along the way :)
3. I spend my days doing what I love = being a wife/mommy & designing blogs!
4. I heart big dangle earrings!
1. blog: Small Bird Studio {www.smallbirdstudio.blogspot.com} & shop: The Flourish Shop {www.theflourishshop.com}
2. Flourishes, blog designs, my beautiful family in Heaven & Earth, giveaways and things & place I find inspiring along the way :)
3. I spend my days doing what I love = being a wife/mommy & designing blogs!
4. I heart big dangle earrings!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? Hi, my name is Allison and I actually have two blogs! One is http://www.sparechangeliving.blogspot.com and it’s more of a personal blog about a young twenty something living an affordable lifestyle. The other is http://www.therealpostgrad.com, where I contribute posts about post grad life. :)
2. what is your blog or shop about? see above! haha Spare Change Living is much more personal, but I love writing in both.
3. share something fun about yourself. I’ve been playing piano since I was little and write my own songs! We’ll see if I ever have the nerve to share them!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? Sunshine. Something I am missing a great deal in these cold winter months!
love your blog :)
HI! Im Caroline and I just started blogging at http://www.BYCJEANNE.com yes by c. jeanne. jeanne is my middle name and was also my grandmothers :)
I blog mostly about my inspiration. I am a student at Savannah College of Art and Design. I am studying fibers, which means I love so many things- mostly around print and pattern though!
Okay, I am graduating in june! I have no idea what Im going to do! I would love to find a design job in london or am considering starting my own business here. honestly everything is up in the air right now!
I am a christian. but I am also a possible 15 yr old boy/45 yr old man inside. I love star wars and classic rock. but then again, i really love pink and purple!
Like I said, I am new to blogging. You can find me on twitter too- bycjeanne
I almost went to SCAD. Yay for classic rock :D
1. I’m Jennifer and my blog can be found here: http://mrsraushel.blogspot.com
2. I blog about my everyday life adventures, my amateur photography adventures, my weight loss journey with ww, wedding planning, all sorts of stuff.
3. I am getting married in 152 days! :)
4. I really enjoy my job, but I also really enjoy my time off from my job. I’m kind of a homebody, so I love being home or relaxing with family and friends… spending time with my fiance is always a favorite, too!
Hello!! My name is Emily Smolak
My blog is Sassy Smolak http://www.sassysmolak.com
It’s mainly about life, me, music, fun finds, and being crazy. That doesn’t really narrow it down does it. Well, let’s just say it is rad :).
Something fun about me: Everything….no I am just kidding. Umm, I am a HUGE neat freak. I mean I face all the labels in the cabinets to the front and line up my towels I think it’s hilarious when I catch myself doing it. I think it might be a little OCD, but whatever at least my husband doesn’t mind.
A favorite: Can a person be my favorite thing! My father. He is so near and dear to me!! I would say that and my liberty of london for Target mug. I was only able to find one and I use it every morning for my coffee. It is my favorite for sure!
This was so fun and so fun to read about other fun people. Thanks for this!
1. My name is Samantha and you can find me at my blog, Two Become One.
2. I intended for my blog to be about my adventures as a newlywed, although most of my posts have to do with crafts and home remodeling and such. I really just blog about my daily adventures in life after college with my husband and two four-legged kiddos, Bronx and Torre.
3. Something fun about me- Idunno. I’m one of those people has more interests than my life can handle, and although I’m good at a lot of things, I’m not really great at anything. My husband would say I have the biggest heart in the world because I cry for anyone that is sad. He thinks my mom and I should own stock in Kleenex. And we probably should.
4. I have lots of favorites. I could name one in all sorts of categories, but I’ll keep it simple. I love to bake. I’m not much for cooking (raw meat makes me puke) but if it includes sugar and flour, I’m all over it. My favorite thing to bake is cupcakes. I also love photography and my new Silhouette!! Oh, and I would love to be a general contractor. I like manual labor, but unfortunately I work in marketing right now. *Sigh* Maybe one day….
#1. My name is Talysa and I live in good ole Nashville. My blog is http://www.mcmanuspartyoffive.blogspot.com/ aka. “Mosaic of Grace”
#2. I write about motherhood, marriage, my Faith, Homeschooling, and other “mindless ramblings”….it is my hope to be as transparent through my blog as possible making known the only thing good in me…Christ.
#3. I have a slight addiction to Honey Nut Cheerios. :-)
#4. Give me a chair, a book, and sand between my toes…that’s my fav.
Hi! I am Alana and my blog is http://www.107down.com
My blog is about weight loss, Christian walk and life in general. :)
I have been to 49 of the 50 states… Alaska is so elusive.
Peanut M&M’s are my favorite candy and I love to read. Sometimes they go together quite well… but not with my blog topic! :)
Here are the questions:
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
Amy Mills
2. what is your blog or shop about?
That blog is for my custom invitation business, UNIQLOVE, here in the twin cities. It’s all wedding and design related, though I admit I don’t post on there as much as I should.
3. share something fun about yourself.
I am an Art Director who owns three websites, including; http://www.UNIQLOVE.com, http://www.AmyMillsDesign.com and http://www.SendSantaMagic.com, but I’m itching for more! I’m on the brink of a complete overhaul of my design site. Too many ideas!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
Creative adrenaline.
What a fun idea Gus!!!
1. Hi! My name is Sandy and I blog over at http://www.sandyalamode.com/ and I make pretties to sell over at http://www.etsy.com/shop/sandyalamode
2. i blog about photography, food, fashion, crafts and my life! i sell cabachon jewelry and BOWS BOWS BOWS!!!
3. i travel all over the world for my full-time job!!
4. i have SO many favorites… bubble tea, cupcakes, mustard yellow to mention a few!!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
Anna – http://www.stunningannak.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about?
Design, life, love, and inspiration
3. share something fun about yourself.
I am a sucker for silver shoes
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
A fluffy down comforter, warm cup of cocoa, my hunky fiance and a great movie.
1. My name is Nichole and my blog URL is http://www.Nicholesfoundhere.blogspot,com
2.My blog is just about my life. I don’t have any cute children, a handsome husband, or snazzy crafts to post about, but its how my friends far away keep up with me.
3. I raised cows in high school.
4. My favorite thing to wear is a Hoodie, Jeans, and flip flops. But I have been trying to “grow up” my wardrobe lately. =)
How fun! I love this idea :)
1. Blog: http://www.apearantlysew.blogspot.com / Shop: http://www.apearantlysew.bigcartel.com
2. My blog is about: My day to day life, my family, sewing & crafts
3. I spent 3 + months in Guatemala doing missions (when I
was younger & not yet a mommy and wife)
4. A cup of coffee & a good book.
1.My shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/aprilfoss and my blog
2.Shop is about owls, owls and more owls and a few dollies. My blog is a little about family and a little about my shop, you just never know which one you will get:)
3.The first warm morning in spring that I can sit outside with my coffee and feel the suns warmth on my face:) (we have long frickin winters around here)
4.Knowing that I have someone to grow old with (my husband) makes me so content and the fact that I have 5 children that will always be coming in and out of our house………family:)
1. Hi!!! I’m Donna, I’m a mom, a wife and a geek! I blog over at Another New Season (I’m also working on a new blog just for geeky moms!)
2. Another New Season is, I guess you could call it a mommy blog. I write about all sorts of things, from homemaking, gardening, cooking, thoughts on faith etc.
3. I’ve done a good amount of traveling – living in Australia for 6 months being my favorite place – I play the guitar, love to sew and craft and hope some day to make something out of those hobbies!
4. A Favorite is paper … all things paper – notebooks, journals, planners, craft paper… oh my! See… I told you I was a geek!
1. I’m Emily from http://www.newlywife.com. (I’m also the one who sent you the All Saints store front photo! I walked by the back entrance last week and found a wall of large spools. So cool!)
2. With my cousin, Megan, we blog about newlywed life. This usually includes cooking, relationships, finances, home decor, crafting, etc.
3. I love getting dressed up and being girly, but I also love me a home improvement project. Bring on the power tools!
4. A favorite for me is finding little adventures near where I live.
Hi there! I’m Elizabeth from Sew Chatty! My blog is http://sewchatty.blogspot.com and my shop (which is totally cleaned out right now…good problem to have) is http://www.sewchatty.com. In my shop you’ll find all kids of fun things for home, for baby, and just for fun! My blog is where I share what I am working on for the shop and the happenings of my life as a follower of Christ, wife, and mommy to a little guy with mild autism. I hate belly buttons. They totally freak me out. I have lots of favorite things, but right now I LOVE designer fabric. So inspiring. Have a huge stack I can’t wait to cut into! Looking forward to hearing more about you all!
Hey Gussy Sews! Just found you via Rockstar Diaries and I’m loving your blog. Wanted to share my info too :)
1. My blog is Alive in the Fire, a Bikram yoga blog at: http://www.aliveinthefire.blogspot.com
2. Mostly I post about my BIkram yoga practice, but I also throw in some stuff about living green, cooking, homemaking, building loving relationships, and enjoying amazing photography. I began the blog as a way to explore my yoga and prepare for Bikram Teacher Training next year.
3. I have a twin sister!
4. Playing with my bunny, Norah, is definitely a fave. She is so cute! :)
1. Howdy! I’m Draya Ann from http://www.sayanything2me.blogspot.com
2. My blog is just a bit of a jumble of life and stuff I find that is pretty. Now added to the mix is being pregnant for the first time and all that fun stuff that comes with that.
3. When my husband and I were at the hospital for an overnight visit to monitor my blood pressure we were looking at the nursery full of new babies and he must have gotten a bit excited with seeing them all cause he slammed his head into the nursery glass! He was just too excited for all the babies!
4. A fav for me is riding in the car and singing along with whatever pops up on the iPod. I’m a horrible singer but my husband just cruises along like I’m singing right on key!
1. Robyn – http://imperfectnest.com
2. My blog is about all things pretty for your home.
3. Something fun is that I am a mom to 2 wonderful and very tall children.
4. My favorite is difficult to answer. Maybe color or texture or anything that makes me feel happy. With working full-time, being a wife, mom, blogger, chef, maid, etc., it’s hard to narrow down my favorites.
1. Hi there! I’m hannah from hannahdevries.blogspot.com (.heart to heart.).
2. My blog is a basic conglomeration of my day to day life as a teacher, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend, etc.
3. When I was in the 6th grade my best friend and I hooked our parents up on a date and 6 months later they got married!
4. I am loving being back home in Rockford, IL. There is nothing like reuniting with high school friends and catching up on life.
maggie, just another reason to love you and what you’re doing here! xo
1. i’m natalie! i write at http://www.wishfulnals.com
2. my lifestyle blog is about all things inspirational. seriously, nothing is off limits.
3. i love to travel. i write a lot about my adventures. i am half french and am a dual citizen. i have an adorable pup, weber.
4. my favorite. wow. i love willow trees. if i were to reincarnate, i’d come back as one. i also love hot cocoa and fires in the fireplace.
Hi luvs!
{1}My name is Gina and I blog over at http://www.HiyaLuv.com
{2}My blog is about craftiness, beauty in the world, reflecting on life and managing the day to day craziness, giveaways, handmade creativity, my life with pupster Polo & fiance, and the opening of my Etsy shop Hiya Luv Handmade http://www.etsy.com/shop/hiyaluv720
[OH! and Right now I am taking nominations for Best Blogs of 2010!!! So fun!]
{3} Polo is my pupster; my pride and joy. He is the best puppy ever and I rescued him from a shelter. He is named after Ralph Lauren-not Marco but who cares. He likes to hide his bones when we “aren’t looking.”
{4} I am a girly girl but a {huge} sports fan! Yup! Sports are my fav-besides my furry four legged friend of course. I love college football [go buckeyes!] march madness, baseball [phillies!], and am in the market for an NBA team although bubs and I have season tickets to the 76ers.
Perhaps I should switch 3 & 4. oh well. :) Come visit. Let’s be friends mate.
Luv & smiles,
#1 I’m Caroline and my shop URL is http://cottonlane.etsy.com and my blog URL is http://sweetcarolinebumbumbum.blogspot.com and fine me on twitter at http://twitter.com/cotton_lane
#2 My blog is about my life. I love posting pictures and sharing bits and pieces of my life with the friends I’ve made online! My shop {and blog, really} is my creative outlet. I love creating new and fun accessories and home decor items to sell to others!
#3 I love wearing my spandex workout pants, an oversized long-sleeved tshirt, and curling up in my huge blue chair by the fire to read a book!
#4 I LOVE Peppermint Lattes from Starbucks. And Dr. Pepper… lots and LOTS of Dr. Pepper!
-Hi! My name is Abby and my blog is at http://www.graduate-extraordinaire.blogspot.com.
-I recently graduated from college, so my blog is all about trying to lead an “extraordinary” life. Mainly about cooking/baking, books I’m reading, substitute teaching, and life in general (faith, friends, family).
-I played the cello for 6 years and I’m thinking about taking it up again after a 5 year hiatus. So maybe that will soon be a part of my blog as well.
-My new favorite color is dark charcoal grey. :]
Nice to meet all of you! :]
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
I’m Ashley Pichea and I blog at AP Freewriting
2. what is your blog or shop about?
AP Freewriting is all about encouragement and community. I share how God is working in my life and encourage others as He works in their lives.
3. share something fun about yourself.
I’m currently working on my Masters degree in ministry – I’ll be done in May!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
Coffee and chocolate are both favorites! {Both in taste and color!!}
1. Hi! My name is Sarah and I blog here: http://yesteachercrafts.com and I sell pretty handmade greeting cards and mini-notes here: http://yesteacher.etsy.com
2. My blog is about fun etsy finds, great Jack Handey quotes, and my personal crafty life :). My shop is about providing lovely cards for handwriting your personal notes!
3. I’ve lived in California, Michigan, France, Germany, and now Texas. I grew up with a talking parrot named Gaby, and I didn’t kiss my husband until our wedding day!! :)
4. I love love love love going out for ice cream / frozen yogurt / blizzards. I heart Ben & Jerrys!!
Love your shop name and the Charlie Brown cards. Too cute!! Will have to check your shop out more when you reopen. :)
1) Etsy Shop (which is closed until after the first!) http://www.ChiggerHillCottage.etsy.com -my BLOG http://www.chiggerbytes.blogspot.com
2) I handmake little girls dresses, outfits, and accessories in timeless styles! Retro, vintage, classic, simple elegance, etc…And I like to blog about all kinds of things like inspiration, tutorials, nostalgia, and love encouraging small handmade on-line biz….
3) In highschool I made two “whos who” entries: “Wittiest” and “Goofiest” And I am a survivor of the 70s! Now THAT was FUN!
4) My favorite thing to do is ride my four-wheeler around our farm. Being from the deep south, and living only 2 blocks from an international airport, I enjoy the quietness and greenery of the country, a place I’ve called home now for at least 30+ years! Yes, I’m older than most of you, but I still listen to rock and roll music! (Classic 70s of course)
1. Hi, I’m Kristin! http://www.buttonears.blogger.com http://www.buttonears.etsy.com
2. My blog is about my every day life, *trying* to become crafty even though I’m starting to think it’s against my natural being :-) My etsy shop is button jewelry. I’m just getting started, and could use all the advice I can get on selling!
3. I am getting married next October!
4. My favorites are spending time with my fiance and my 2 dogs, blog reading, coffee, and naps!
1. Hi, I’m Kristin! http://www.buttonears.blogspot.com http://www.buttonears.etsy.com
2. My blog is about my every day life, *trying* to become crafty even though I’m starting to think it’s against my natural being :-) My etsy shop is button jewelry. I’m just getting started, and could use all the advice I can get on selling!
3. I am getting married next October!
4. My favorites are spending time with my fiance and my 2 dogs, blog reading, coffee, and naps!
what a great idea Gus Gus, I think I’ll have to borrow it from you some day!
1. http://www.scrapbook-society.com
2. family, photography, ideas, inspiration, and my shop is a papery
3. cookies are my weakness. my kids are my treasure. the surfer guy owns my heart.
4. favorite – would be this awesome movement of women handmaking goods and creating an amazing community!
so neat to see everyone!
What a fun idea! :)
1. loolabee.blogspot.com/
2. crafting, cooking, decorating, (trying to) keep things simple
3. I hum a lot. I never notice it until my hubby gives me this look like “enough is enough”. I name things. The new 36 qt Le Creuset pot I received for Christmas is now named “Birdie”. :)
4. Shopping and movie watching are my favorite activities. Pink is my favorite color. 14 is my favorite number (but i have no idea why.)
1. I’m Jenn my blog is http://westsachoney.blogspot.com, but my shop is http://jennloldesigns.etsy.com
2. Blog is about my personal life and day to day things, my shop is all the fun things I’ve been making the past year.
3. You’d never guess it but I’m half Chinese and Half German it’s my favorite fun fact about myself.
4. Favorite new obsession is headbands! I love reversible headbands that I make and sell!
How fun is this?!?! Thank you for doing it!
ok, let’s see (hope I can remember the questions since I’m all the way down here on the comment line – LOL)
1) I’m sweetjeanette (ok, jeanette most of the time but I try) and I have a new shop on etsy. I put a few things on it for Christmas, but plan to “launch” it in March!) http://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetjeanette
My etsy shop!
2) Since my passion is hospitality, homekeeping and all that goes with it that’s what my blog is about, and any funny snippets and thoughts about life in general thrown in the mix too. My shop is (or will be) mainly bags, tags, and girly stuff.
3) I love children’s programs (confession: Mainly to see which child embarrasses their parents! LOL) I own so many quilts, my family could easily survive a nuclear winter…and I live in Florida!
4) Favorite? Strawberries, quilts and hearts!
1. Kristina, or Krust. I blog at Krustal.com and have an Etsy shop at etsy.com/krust
2. I blog about clothes shopping, attempting to make my own clothes, and various sewing projects. Hopefully eventually trying to build a business this year making handmade dresses, skirts, and purses.
3. I have to watch Everybody Loves Raymond almost everynight before bed. It’s like my comfort blankie.
4. Spending an entire day sewing and getting so involved you forget to eat or use the restroom :/, but it feels so good and rewarding in the end, anyway.
2. I make children’s clothing as well as a few “this-and-thats”
3. My husband and I grew up over 8,000 miles apart. He in India and I in the USA. We now live in Ohio and we have 3 year old twin girls and a 2 year old son.
4. Sitting in quiet! (see #3!)
1. Annie – http://anniehpilon.blogspot.com/ & http://wattlebird.etsy.com/
2. My blog is about handmade, style, design, and personal stuff.
3. Something fun is that I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd, and my blog/shop name (Wattlebird) comes from a password from the second book.
4. My favorite part of the day is my afternoon coffee break where I usually watch something on Netflix or bake cookies!
(ok, I didn’t see my comment appear so I’m doing it again – if it’s here twice – puleeeeze forgive!)
My name is Jeanette (www.sweetjeanette.com) and though my shop is new My etsy shop!
I plan to “launch” it in March. There are things in the shop right now, but I’m working on making new things.
My passion is being a homekeeper and helpmate to my husband. I think my blog reflects that. I love to show hospitality, an avid baker (my other blog is realwomeneat.com) and I like to throw in some funny snippets I find, as well as thoughts and ponderings in life. It’s my goal to make my blog an oasis, and a place we can have some great “girl time” together.
I love going to children’s programs (more so to see which child is going to embarrass their parents! LOL)
My faves…. oh that’s a loaded one… I have way too many, but at the tippy top of the list would have to be strawberries, hearts and quilts!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
I’m Sara and I write at Sweet November ( tweetnovember.blogspot.com ), I run the Sweet November Shop ( sweetnovembershop.blogspot.com ) and I’m opening a new shop featuring mostly blog design and makeovers ( sarabelledesigns.blogspot.com ).
2. what is your blog or shop about?
My blog features DIYs, tutorials, things I’ve made, things I’m thinking about, my life, pretty much everything.
My shops feature things that I’ve made, mostly headbands and baby clothing. Starting this week I’m also launching Sara Belle Designs which will provide blog makeovers at a low cost, so make sure to check it out!
3. share something fun about yourself.
I’m 21, graduating college in three quarters, hoping to move to L.A., and I just got my first sewing machine for Christmas.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
Chocolate! No matter what, when 8PM rolls around I get a craving for it.
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
Tristina and I write at mrandmrswright.com
2. what is your blog or shop about?
My adventures into new wifehood and motherhood and being domestic all at once. It’s dreamy and nostalgic at times; whimsy and silly other times.
3. share something fun about yourself.
I grew up on a horse farm, which my mom still owns. My husband is such a city boy and I’m such a country girl!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
A big, hot mug of tea, a happily playing baby, and either some craft project underway or a good book.
Hi! Krista from N.C.!
1) I have two: http://www.gardengourmet.blogspot.com and http://www.spawnofsmith.blogspot.com
2) A cooking and gardening blog and a IF/mommy blog because I couldn’t figure out how to combine those two subjects originally. LOL
3) I’m an avid gardener and farm girl with a pension for redecorating
4) I am in love with my KA Mixer to an unhealthy level. LOL
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
2. what is your blog or shop about?
3. share something fun about yourself.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
Hi! :) My name is Shelbey. My blog is http://www.theblissfullyblessedwife.blogspot.com and my etsy shop is http://www.meandminnie.etsy.com
My blog is about my new life as a wife and soon to be mother in May. Home decor, crafts, home improvement projects, coupons and sites to save on, life, recipes, my Christian faith, my family….and a bit of randomness thrown in.
I am only 21…a young one, so they say. My husband is 9 years older than me and sometimes he thinks I am more mature than him, haha!
My craft room. It’s finally all set up. I just received a sewing machine for my birthday in November and my husband bought me a Silhouette machine for my Christmas gift. I am very excited about learning how to use both of these machines and add to my crafting ability.
1. Hi, my name is Beth Stone, and my blog is http://www.bethstonestudio.com. My Etsy shop is
2. My blog features my business, artsy/craftsy endeavors, photography, thoughts on life and faith, book reviews, helpful tips, and anything else I feel like writing about!
3. I once played a character voice on a children’s storybook tape!
4. Reading a good book by a cozy fire with a cup of hot chocolate, having a theological discussion with friends, or working on any type of art project or craft!
Oops! Forgot to mention that my shop features my original artwork, prints, handmade jewelry, purses, and needle felted items!
1.Caroline G- http://www.carolineg.bigcartel.com. The site will be reopening on Jan 1st.
2. My shop sells hair bows in many different colors and styles.
3. My parents originally named me Carolyn but after everyone they encountered pronounced it Caroline, my parents renamed me.
4. I absolutely adore the sound of children giggling.
that’s so weird, because my name is Caroline and everyone pronounces it Carolyn.. ha ha I guess no one can get it right!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? Cindy @ http://www.theflippingcouple.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? Renovating an old house and chasing our two pups and a bunny rabbit!
3. share something fun about yourself. I’m a music major turned IT project manager dreaming of someday having a career in renovating!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? The ocean. Specifically the ocean off the Washington Peninsula. I’m a Seattle girl at heart, which also means I love my Starbucks!
1. http://www.bbgoad.com/
2. My blog is about my life as a student affairs professional, newly wed, and living in Boston. I share recipes, things I make (crafts) and stories about our puppy, Milton (9 mos. old).
3. I love Boston and finding out new historic facts about it, I always think I’m going to be better at trivia than I actually am. I follow major league sports out of habit and my husband rarely knows any type of score/sports stat.
4. Lately, I enjoy a mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream (been drinking a lot over the holidays). I love food and trying new things and the fact that my husband cooks a lot of GOOD food is definitely a favorite!
1. Mindy – I write at http://www.mindymerenghi.com
2. My blog, M^2, is about my life as a college student studying biology/education in Missouri and as long-distance girlfriend. On my blog you will see a lot of pictures, as I just started getting into photography, and even some videos. By the way, my boyfriend is my blog designer!
3. I’m 22 years old but I get asked if I want a kids menu and mistaken for 10 years younger than I really am! HA
4. COFFEE :) Enough said!
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL?
Good Day! My name is Melissa. My blog is http://rmljohnson.blogspot.com/ and my shop is http://www.darlingdaisyshop.com.
2. what is your blog or shop about?
My blog—oh it is about the randomness of my family with a little side of the happenings at darling daisy shop.
My shop features handmade goodness for all the girlies in the world~big and small!
3. share something fun about yourself.
Not sure that this is fun~but an interesting fact is that I go through stages where I break things. I am in one of those stages right now. Last night broke a bottle of cooking sherry which spilled behind out stove. Today broke a vase….hmmm what will tomorrow bring!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”?
hearing the laughs from my two daughters, who love eachother so much, and which I adore and am so thankful that I get to spend so much time with.
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? http://www.2washingtons.blogspot.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? My husband and I moved to Seattle from DC this summer, it is our way to keep in touch with friends and family and keep them updated on our lives (including our soon to be addition, a baby in March)
3. share something fun about yourself. I just started knittng a baby blanket for our baby and I just want to go home sit on the couch and knit!
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? Ice cream. Probably because I only eat it in the summer and my husband isn’t a big fan, so going out to get it in the summer is a big treat.
1. what is your name and blog/shop URL? http://www.bebehblog.com
2. what is your blog or shop about? It started as a pregnancy journal with bebeh #1 and has since turned into a little bit about EVERYTHING from cooking to crafts to party planning to personal rants and raves plus a pregnancy journal for bebeh #2 – who was born last week!
3. share something fun about yourself. My father was in the military so we moved a lot when I was a kid. Then I married a Navy guy when I was 22 and the moving continued! Apparently I’m a bit of a wanderer at heart, despite loving my historic home & little town.
4. what is something that’s a “favorite”? KNITTING! I love knitting. Love love love. I made almost all my Christmas presents this year and make a habit of sending hand made baby hats to all my internet friends when they have babies.
I think I stopped by your blog today? Did you link to a Wordless Wednesday party?
I did! I tried out linking in a few places today. Thanks so much for stopping by :)
1. Hello! My name is Stephanie and my blog and shop links are
2. My Mom and I make Glass Tile Pendant Necklaces and I my blog is about our business and my everyday life. I have recently started writing about my journey as a runner. I went from being a “non runner” to running a 5k and starting in January I will be begin training for a 1/2 Marathon!
3. I’ll be finished my MBA in less then 2 months! I plan to be blogging more after that.
4. Flip Flops are my FAVORITE! I love wearing flip flops and wish I could wear them all year round!